In September and November the Parent Council arranged two fundraising social events, raising a total of £1,147.27.
The first event was the Quiz Night held on Friday 29 September in Partick Bowling Club, organised by Mum on the Run Louise Love, who put in a great shift as quiz supremo. There were some great prizes on offer (though unfortunately I didn’t win the nice bottle of single malt, or any bottles of anything else – Ed!), lots of fun was had by all, and all of the teams – including the 82 teachers in the staff team – could not match the wit and wisdom of the eventual winners, with the unhesitating title “Can I get back to you on that?”, who will hold onto the champions cup until the next Quiz Night on Friday 2 March 2018 at the West of Scotland Cricket Club. The night raised an amazing £461 profit, which is unprecedented for Quiz Nights and even more than we usually make in profit from the ceilidh nights with 5-6 times the number of people.
Thank you to everyone who contributed raffle prizes, donations for the buffet and who were able to make it along on the night.
Most of all, well done Louise – you did an excellent job and you can certainly do this again!
And if that wasn’t enough fun, the Parent Council also held its inaugural Halloween Disco at Partick Burgh Halls on Friday 3 November. This had a great turnout and was a bit of a departure from our usual ceilidh around St Andrews Day. Detroit’s Derek May and Sasha from Bangor (Wales) were unavailable on the night, but fortunately it didn’t go all Pete Tong, as Hyndland Parent Council’s very own Alan Bonnyman did a sterling job with a Monster Mash-Up on the night.
We made another great profit of £686.27 on the night, which must rank up there as the most profitable event we have had.
As usual, a big thank you to all of the parents and carers, other relatives and staff who gave us raffle and tombola prizes, brought along food donations for the buffet, helped clear up, etc., and who came along and enjoyed the evening.