Parent Council Quiz Night

On Saturday 30 May we had another fun night challenging the old grey matter during the Quiz Night fundraiser at Hyndland Bowling Club. While it was not as well attended as we had hoped, due to some great prizes on offer in the raffle we still managed to raise £280 profit after all of the outgoings were paid out, which was great. Prizes on offer included a one night stay with breakfast for two at the Hotel du Vin at One Devonshire Gardens, as well as a photography voucher for John Hendry Photography, a specially-cooked meal for two and some fine wine and whisky, among other prizes.


Pat Lawlor and Grant MacDonald returned to the Quiz Master and DJ roles that they have made their own over the years and gave us some really hard rounds (well, for some of us anyway!). After some refreshment imbibing and much head-scratching ‘The Misfits’ won the quiz. Well done to all 10 of them!


There will be further Quiz Nights and other social fundraising activities in the new school year and we look forward to seeing you there.

Special thanks! Thank you to all of those who supported the quiz and contributed food and raffle prizes. A special thank you to the General Manager at the Hotel du Vin at One Devonshire Gardens, Craig Paton, and John Hendry from John Hendry Photography for their raffle prize donations – this was very kind and generous of them and a great example of businesses supporting their local community.