The (Nearly) Burns Night Ceilidh was another success on the night. It was much busier than the previous ceilidh at the Hyndland Community Halls and everyone seemed to enjoy the music from Hyndland dad Jamie Smith and his co-band members.
After all of the outgoings were paid for the band, hall hire and soft drinks, we made a tidy profit of £400, which was excellent.
Thanks to all those who donated food, raffle and tombola prizes. Thanks to Jamie Smith and his band for the music and dancing. Thanks to Ms Chambers and her two little helpers, all of the Parent Council members and other parents and carers who helped out arranging and preparing the ceilidh, helping set up, sell raffle tickets, staff the door, and with the inevitable big clean up at the end of the night. Much appreciated and you know who you are!
The funds from the event and all events and fundraising activities by the Parent Council are used for resources to help improve the learning experience for all of the children at the school.