Your Parent Council needs you!

Next meeting: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, Wednesday 12 September 2018, 7pm-9pm, School Dinner Hall, Hyndland Primary School

Hyndland Primary School Parent Council is only as good as the support and involvement of those who contribute to it and the work of the wider Parent Forum.

Please come along to the AGM and find out what we did during 2017-18 and what we plan to do during the 2018-19 school year.

We are always looking for as wide a level of engagement and involvement with the Parent Council as possible, so please do approach Parent Council representatives with your comments, views and ideas and come along to the monthly meetings or email us at:

If you have anything you would like to raise at Parent Council please contact the Chair John Lewis at

Please come along and support us!

NB: Issues about individual children should be taken up with class teachers, the Head Teacher or the Depute Heads.

Other Parent Council meetings (there are some changes from the published list in June):

  • Wednesday 24 October 2018
  • Wednesday 28 November 2018
  • Wednesday 23 January 2019
  • Wednesday 6 March 2019
  • Wednesday 24 April 2019
  • Wednesday 29 May 2019