Welcome back to all of you whose kids are returning to Hyndland Primary for the new school year and welcome to all of you whose kids are new to the school, whether in P1 or across the school years.
We hope that you and your children all had a great summer, enjoyed the unusual and extended period of actual real summer in Glasgow, but are happy and raring to engage with what lies ahead in the school year.
Welcome back also to all of the hard-working staff at the school and we as a Parent Council look forward to helping to support you in your work with our children over the coming year.
The new speedbumps are a welcome and long overdue addition to the road safety around the front of the school. Glasgow City Council in their wisdom may have decided to only place the parking meters at either end of the long bend on Fortrose Street, rather than in the critical area in between and right outside the school, but it’s important to consider that trying to avoid paying the meter fee for a brief stop is not an excuse to either disembark small children into the middle of the road, abandon them on the other side to navigate crossing oncoming traffic by themselves, nor to park on the yellow zigzags outside the school. Parking on the zigzags is unlawful, dangerous and, as the sign says, selfish. For the safety of the children, other parents and carers and staff, please be conscientious drivers and parkers.
We have a number of social events planned for this school year, but would like to draw your attention to the first of these, a Parent Council School Social for parents and carers, your children and staff at the West of Scotland Cricket Club on Friday 7 September from 6pm to 10pm. Other events include ceilidhs and Halloween discos for everyone and quiz nights just for the parents, carers and staff. We will be looking for volunteers and raffle prize donations, etc., and will let you know in due course and hope that you and your children will come along and enjoy them.
It is also really important that as many parents and carers as possible get involved with your children’s learning experiences at the school, whether that’s through the new Seesaw app, helping out at the school, fundraising, or engaging with and through the Parent Council. So, we would be delighted if as many parents and carers as possible came along to the Parent Council meetings, the first of which is the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 12 September from 7pm to 9pm in the school dinner hall.
On behalf of all the parents, carers and members on the Parent Council, we hope that you and your children have a great year ahead.