Please see below the text of the letter from school regarding the Strike Action by UNISON on Monday 14, Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 March. Breakfast Club will not run on Monday 14, nor will Music Club or Mini Music Club after school.
It has also been confirmed that the Afty will be closed for all three days for both breakfast club and after school, and Active French classes with Jane Grove will also not run on those days.
Text of Letter from School:
STRIKE ACTION BY UNISON Friday 11 March 2016
Dear Hyndland Parents and Carers
I wrote to you earlier this week to advise you about the proposed industrial action by UNISON members scheduled for next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (14-16th March 2016). I can now confirm that UNISON have called for their Janitorial members to take part in 3 days of action next week and this will have an impact on our school.
The Senior Management Team and I have looked at all the options for the safe running of the school and have been advised by Education Services that to support the Authority aim of keeping schools open to as many children as possible during the dispute; we will operate with pupils in the building, but we will not be able to offer any Breakfast Club on Monday in accordance with Glasgow Education guidance (please see letter reverse of this communication) or any after school clubs on the first three days of the week.
The SMT will be the only members of education staff supervising security and fire systems and co-ordination of refurbishment contractors for the three days. All teaching and clerical staff will be in school on the affected days but are being advised by their own Union not to cover any duties normally carried out by striking Unison members.
I understand that many schools are able to open fully with no impact on extended service delivery because their staffing circumstances or the outcome of risk assessment has been different to our own, and I apologise for both the disruption to school provision and for the very late notice, but I am committed to making child centred decisions that put our students first and I believe that the only way I can do this is to reduce the risk by restricting the school day to core hours from Monday until Wednesday.
I appreciate and am sorry that by restricting after school activity provision, some problems may arise for child care, but I am trying to provide a safe school experience for as many children as possible and cannot achieve that within the usual extended day.
Please be assured that the council will continue to explore all options with UNISON to bring their dispute to a resolution as soon as possible and, as a school, we will continue to seek solutions that restrict service disruption for our young people and families.
Yours sincerely
HS Brown
Headteacher @Hyndland Primary School
Text of letter from Education Services:
UNISON Janitors’ Industrial Action
Dear Parent/Carer,
UNISON has notified the council of the intention by some of their janitorial members in the city’s primary, Additional Support for Learning (ASL) schools and nurseries to take part in industrial action from Monday 14 March – Wednesday 16 March.
All our schools and nurseries will be open unless we inform parents and carers otherwise as we have contingencies in place for schools and nurseries to operate as normal.
However, as we are not able to guarantee supervision before the school bell on Monday morning, regrettably we have had to take a decision to cancel Breakfast Clubs in affected primary schools, Hyndland Primary School is one of the affected schools – this is the most up-to-date information we have at the moment and could change.
School lunches and snacks during the school day will operate as normal as possible.
A decision will be taken on Monday 14 March as to whether the Breakfast Clubs will operate as normal on the following two days of planned industrial action.
We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause parents and carers and we will continue to work with our colleagues in CORDIA and UNISON to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.
Further industrial action is planned by UNISON and we will keep parents and carers updated with information as soon as we have this with posts on the council website twitter @GlasgowCC and via your child’s school or nursery.