We are constantly in need of more parents to volunteer their help with the planning and running of Parent Council fundraising events. Much of this work goes into organising and running the ceilidhs, parent quiz nights and other fundraising events that raise the money which benefits the education of all of our children.
We really do need more volunteers!
If you think you could offer any help or ideas with social activities which will help raise funds for the school, please come along to the AGM or any Parent Council meeting, or contact Alan Bonnyman (Treasurer) at abonnyman23@hotmail.com or John Lewis at john.lewis-hpc@hotmail.co.uk.
Events to look forward to this term include a Ceilidh for children, parents and family, and staff, as well as a Quiz Night for parents, family and staff (no children!), but we will be keen to hear about any other social fundraising activities that you might have.
All funds raised get ploughed into school resources to enrich the learning and recreational experience for our children.