On Friday 20 May the Parent Council held our usual Spring Ceilidh, which – some obnoxious behaviour to parents and children from one of the Burgh Halls staff aside – was as ever a lot of fun for parents and children alike, and is also a great fundraiser for the school.
The event was organised by Wendy Jordan who did a fantastic job preparing for it – including obtaining some great prizes for the parents’ raffle – and also on the night. Thanks very much Wendy!
Special thanks should also go to everyone helping out on the night through selling raffle and tombola tickets, taking admission fees and with food, etc. Thanks also to everyone who brought food, raffle and tombola prizes, and to all of the children and their parents and carers who attended and had their purses and wallets emptied by their children from the moment they paid their entrance fee to the moment that the last raffle and tombola tickets were sold.
Further special thanks are also due to the following people and/or businesses who generously donated raffle prizes: Tribeca Group for the gift vouchers for Tribeca, Usha’s, Roasters and Smoak; Alison Mussett for securing the tickets to the Museum of Flight and Rio Cafe – and also, of course, to the Museum of Flight and Rio Cafe; the Wheatley Group for donating lots of napkins, cups and paper plates, the money box and letting Wendy print stuff out at work; and the ceilidh band for their excellent performance.
On the night we took £1,023.95, of which £439.75 was profit after the hall hire and band costs were taken into account. This is an excellent contribution to the work the Parent Council does to support the school.
Thank you to all of you who were involved in any way!