Over the past 5-6 weeks, the Parent Council has held both a Quiz Night and a Ceilidh and along with the parents, carers, teachers and children who attended, a lot of fun was had and we also managed to raise funds towards the P1 playground developments (from the Quiz Night) and start building some funds towards development work in the other playgrounds.
The Quiz Night raise £215 and the Ceilidh raised £250, in both instances these were the profits after outgoings, such as hall hire (and the Burgh Halls is ridiculously expensive!), band hire, etc.
A special thanks to the helpers and everyone who came along, contributed food, tombola and raffle prizes, helped sell raffle tickets, helped clear up, do ‘crowd control’ etc. Your contributions are greatly appreciated as always.
Additionally, another special thanks goes to Innis at Basta Pizza, for contributing a bumper gift voucher for the raffle. This is a great example of local businesses supporting their local community and, as such, they deserve plenty of patronage from the local community.
Additionally, the Mums on the Run had another very successful Bake Off and Book Sale, raising £307 towards the P7 leaver celebrations. I’m reliably informed that the kids seemed to have a good time, and the parents particularly enjoyed seeing them singing along to Rick Astley and finishing off the proceedings with an Icelandic thunderclap. A big thank you to Marco at Pizza Magic for his generosity in giving the organisers a great deal on the pizzas for the night. Another great example of community spirit and support from the West End pizza-making community!
For putting in the hard work on the improvement to the P1 playground, a special thanks goes out to everyone, including the student volunteers from Glasgow Clyde College. It’s looking so much better and hopefully we can get some more parent and carer volunteers coming forward to help continue this work on the P1 playground and the other playgrounds.