Parent Council Fundraising

Over the last couple of years the focus of Parent Council fundraising has been on Playground Improvements. Working alongside then Deputy Head Fiona Kerr, we were investigating the possibility of matched funding from Legacy (Commonwealth Games) grants to allow us to undertake a more major project, such as a new pitch. Recently it has become clear that for various reasons, both financial and logistical, this is not going to be viable.

During this period a fund of approx. £12,000 has accumulated. In order to get the best value from the funds raised, and still make Playground Improvements and enhance outdoor learning, we have agreed on a new plan with the school and the Pupil Council.

They came up with various ideas, such as activity packs of games for the playgrounds, seating, adventure trails, and even an outdoor classroom. Some of the costs, particularly installation, have still to be finalised. We will update on progress. It is planned to purchase some of the equipment now and the rest hopefully before the end of term.

If you would like more information, please get in touch with Linda McCormick, Treasurer at