Mums on the Run

Mums on the Run 031


Many congratulations to our Mums on the Run who raised the grand total of £1233.04 – what a fantastic effort! Thank you also to all of you who sponsored them and cheered them on, and to Marco at Pizza Magic and Jellyhill for hosting collection tins and An Clachan Cafe for very generous sponsorship and delicious coffee and cakes. It has been lovely to see the project come together and for so many to chip in.


Funds raised will go to buy waterproofs to encourage outdoor activity and a whole host of playground equipment and games. Well done to Louise for coming up with the initial idea and the enthusiasm to make it happen, thanks for Helen for technical support and to all our lovely runners who ran like the wind.


The runners plan to continue running for the fun of it. If you fancy joining them, contact Louise … or just turn up in the playground after drop-offf on Wednesdays ready to run.


If this has inspired you to take on a project, come and talk to us or email Jane so that we can help you get it started.