Janny Joe’s Retirement update

Janny Joe retired from the school on Friday 12 August after 21 years at Hyndland Primary.

The school has re-arranged Janny Joe’s leaving celebration for this Friday, 26 August, from 3.30-5.30 at Partick Bowling Club.

It would be good if you – and your children – could pop along to say your goodbyes to this fine old Hyndland Primary institution that is Joe Cameron.

Thus far we have raised a good amount in the collection for a retirement gift from the parents at the school, but if anyone hasn’t yet contributed and would like to, we will be collecting right up to drop off time on Friday morning. Please put any contribution into an envelope marked “Janny Joe” and place it either in the Parent Council mailbox outside Mr Byrne’s office, or with the school office staff. Also, if anyone wishes to leave a personal card for Joe, they could be placed in there.

Joe has asked the Parent Council to pass on his heartfelt thanks to all of those who have passed on their good wishes and left him cards and gifts over the summer.

Let’s show Janny Joe our appreciation of the 21 years of service he’s given to the school and our children.

On behalf of the Parent Council, I hope that you all had an enjoyable summer!

Thank you

John Lewis
Chair, Hyndland Primary School Parent Council