Title: Low tech resources and strategies for children with communication difficulties and/or distressing behaviour
Target group: Parents/Carers
Aim: To have opportunities to explore a range of low tech resources used to support and enhance children’s speech, develop communication and manage distressing behaviour.
Content: Demonstrate and discuss resources used on a daily basis and how these can support children with the mainstream or ASN setting. These resources are particularly effective with children with ASD. There will be two rooms to visit. One with specific focus on communication and the other on behaviour management.
Maximum number of participants: 30
Date: 27.4.17
Start time: 10.30am
Finish time: 11.30am
Venue: Langlands Primary, Glenside Avenue, Crookston G53 5SD
If you would like to book a place at this event, please email Yvonne Keenan as soon as possible at yvonne.keenan@glasgow.gov.uk
Please note that places at the event are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.