End of term

School closes today for the holidays at 1pm. Lunch will be slightly earlier so as to be finished on time. P7 parents wishing to see their child leave primary school for the last time should be in the main playground by 12.45 as P7 will be the first out as the rest of the school lines the stairwells to bid them farewell. Tissues and cameras at the ready!

We’ve had a busy year this year! Thanks to everyone who has helped out and taken part in our events. Your involvement in your child’s school makes all the difference. The Parent Council looks forward to new projects, challenges and social events in the new term. We hope that you all have a pleasant summer break and look forward to catching up with everyone in August. For those of you leaving us, moving onto secondary school or other pastures new, we wish you well.

Thank you for having been part of our Hyndland Primary community. Keep in touch!