Category Archives: Mums on the Run

Hyndland Parent Council Quiz Night

Friday 29 September sees the return of the Parent Council Quiz Night, hosting by our very own Mums on the Run at Partick Bowling Club (right next door to the school).

Starting at 7.30pm (adults only, no kids allowed!), tickets (£5) are available from Louise Love in the playground. Entry is also available by payment on the door on the night.

Also, please either bring along raffle prizes on the night, or, if you can’t make it but would like to contribute, please leave raffle prizes / donations in the school office and then email or so that we know they are there!

Raffle prizes could include such items as bottles, gift vouchers, chocolates, and anything else that you can think of.

Please also bring along nibbles for the buffet, as pub quizzes can be hungry – as well as thirsty – work!

Thanks, and please come along, meet other parents and carers and demonstrate your powers of trivia while having a drink and a laugh.

The ‘Great Hyndland Bake Off’

On Friday 12 May, Hyndland Primary School held its very own edition of the critically acclaimed (or at least widely watched) “Bake Off”, in the interim period during its transition from the BBC to C4. Unfortunately, neither Mary Berry nor Paul Hollywood were in attendance, nor the intrepid Mel and Sue, but we did have out very own Louise Love and Mums on the Run, who by all accounts arranged a veritable bakers’ banquet, with numerous entries coming in from across the pupil and parent body.

The afternoon provided an opportunity for the confectionery entries to be feasted upon by pupils, parents and staff and the cake and bakery sales and donations made a hefty £280.45, which would surely give Greggs (or for older ‘Blackadder’ fans like myself, Mrs Miggins’ Pie Shop) a run for their money!

Thank you and well done to all of the bakers for your entries and to Louise, MOTR and all of the parent and pupil helpers for arranging and facilitating a successful and enjoyable day.

If anyone has more fundraising ideas to help the Parent Council raise funds to make improvements to the learning experience for the children at the school (and for outdoor learning in particular), please contact Nadia Miller or Daria Jarrett via the Parent Council email:

The Head Teacher, Ms Helen Brown, says: “Thanks again for all the hard work and creativity poured into [this] event – it was nice to see so many people coming along to support a good cause but also enjoying being together – a classic case of having their cake and eating it!”

Mums on the Run (MOTR)

Since we started in 2013 our aim has been to provide a supportive network of running buddies to mum who want to start or improve their running, and we have a trained JogScotland leader who can provide help and advice. We’ve raised over £2,500 for school projects, including this year’s trips to the Emirates Stadium, and operate a breakfast running club for kids at the school (this term it was for P3-P5). If any mum wants to get in touch or find out more they should contact Louise at


Louise Love (MOTR)

Not your standard police line up
Not your standard police line up

Thanks to MOTR from the Parent Council: Thank you for all of the fundraising for the school this year, including promoting it as an excellent example of the kind of contribution that parents can make as part of the wider school community, helping out at the school Sports Day, etc. Well done and thank you ladies!

HPSPC & Mums on the Run Quiz Night

quiz night may 2016

Thank you to everyone who attended the Mums on the Run Quiz Night on Friday 4 May at Partick Bowling Club. It was a great night. An excellent £527.24 was raised which will be put towards buying new buddy caps. The winning team were the Gangster Pandas.

Special thanks go to One Devonshire Gardens, LA Cakes, Leigh Garden Pilates and Boiler Room Fitness for the raffle prizes and also everyone who brought prizes of chocolate and booze on the night.

Mums on the Run LP Run and Bake Off

On Friday 11 December our indefatigable MOTR undertook an LP run, which, in the style of an LP (for those of us old enough to know what they are!) ran around the cricket pitch for 33 1/3 minutes and then went into a bake-off.

MOTR raised £86.00 from the run and Bake Off and this will go towards funding new Buddy Caps for the school Buddies.

Those taking part in the LP Run and Bake Off were Louise Love, Helen Newstead, Helen Gibson, Lisa Logan, Vari Macdonald, Ali Walker, Leigh Garden, Marion Grant, Eileen Faulds, Lesley Connelly, Barbara McGinley, Clare McGinley, Linda McCormick and Daria Jarrett.

The winner of the Bake Off was Lesley Connelly – well done Lesley!

MOTR would like to say a special thank you to the Butterscotch Bakery for donating the prize.

Mums on the Run – LP Run & Bake Off

Hyndland Mums on the Run is holding an LP Run and bake-off competition on Friday December 11 at 9am. For those who have never done/heard of an LP run it works like this: the run takes place at a track and those taking part need to see how many times they can get round the track in 33 and a third minutes (hence, the LP tag!). The runners also run to the same playlist. Our track will be the West of Scotland Cricket Club and the playlist will be chosen by the MOTR mums. After the run everyone – runners and supporters – are invited back into school for coffee and a cake, and a vote to see whose home baking is the best of the bunch.

If you’d like to do the run (no skill required) or contribute to the bake-off (not necessarily any skill required) then please do! Contact Louise at or follow us on Twittter (@HyndlandMOTR) for updates.


Hyndland Primary has a Jog Scotland running club for mums at school – Mums on the Run.  Our wee club caters for all abilities, beginners included. If you fancy getting fitter and meeting some other friendly women, come along! We meet at 9am on Fridays in the big playground and, like true athletes, usually go for a coffee after. No fancy trainers or kit required! Just bring yourself.

If you want more information don’t hesitate to drop us a line at

Hope to see you this Friday!

Louise Love
Jog/Run/Coffee Leader

MOTR before Gartmorn 2015

Mums on the Run

MOTR has so far raised almost £2000 for sport and outdoor activities at Hyndland. This year many families from school took part in ‘Five Go Running’. The event aimed to get more people out running, at the same time as raising funds to send all our classes to use the world class athletics facilities at Glasgow’s Emirates Stadium. For the latter our runners raised £630, enabling a trip for all P5-7 classes in the summer term, with this year’s P1-4 heading there next term.

Perhaps the best thing about the event was the number of Hyndland pupils who took part across P1-P7.

A huge thanks to all our runners and sponsors this year – your volunteering and fundraising efforts help make Hyndland the great wee community it it. The group will be back running again next term, but this time we’ll meet on a Friday morning.

Five Go Running

A big thanks to those mums, dads, grannies, aunties, uncles and pals who took part in Five Go Running. A HUGE thanks to those children from school who took part in fundraising runs. Brilliant effort all round!

As of 3 November, £593.73 has been raised through online and cash donations, all of which will go towards hiring coaches to take our children to use the excellent Commonwealth sports facilities.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored Mums on the Run.