Fortrose and Novar Nurseries consultation & year rep email addresses

Glasgow City Council Education Services are currently consulting on a proposal to merge two of the nurseries that serve Hyndland Primary, Novar Nursery and Fortrose Nursery, moving to a new facility on the site of the former Broomhill Primary Annexe. Details of the proposal can be viewed HERE and you can take part in the consultation HERE.

Following some feedback that people are finding it difficult to get in touch with their year rep, email links have been added for all reps. These may be found in the contact page.


The Annual General Meeting of Hyndland Primary School Parent Council will take place on Wednesday 23rd September at 7pm as a Zoom video conference. In order to take part attendees will have to pre-register by sending an email to
Please include your full name, the year group(s) of your child(ren) and be sure to use the email address which you will use to log in to the Zoom call. If you have any questions for the AGM, whether to the Parent Council or the school’s Senior Leadership Team, or if you have anything you’d like to see on the agenda you can let us know too. We’ll reply with details of how to log in and what to expect 24 hours before the meeting.
Please note that the email account will be closed after the meeting and that your details will not be stored, shared or used for any other purpose.

And we’re back!

Welcome back! As you will have noticed this site has been stalled in the immediately pre-lockdown era for which many apologies. Huge apologies also to anyone who has been trying to use the parent council email, , it has not been forwarding for a considerable period but is now back up and running. The Parent Council website is currently in the process of being revised but it will now be being updated regularly so do please keep checking back.

School to close 3.15pm on Friday

As everyone will by now know the school is to close after classes on Friday in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see the letter below from the Headteacher, Helen Brown, outlining plans for how the school will operate during the closure. This went home in schoolbags on Wednesday but as many children were already being kept off it may not have reached everyone. If the letter fails to appear in your browser, please follow this link to download.


Parent Noticeboard