Burns night ceilidh and Parent Council meeting

But not on the same evening. The next Parent Council meeting will be at 7 pm on Wednesday 22 January in the School’s staff room. We will be discussing outdoor learning, playground improvements and school meal provision, among other things. Do please come along!!

The annual Burns ceilidh will be held on Saturday 25th January at Hyndland Community Hall on Novar Drive from 7.30 till 10 pm. (Please click image for further details)

Parent Council Meeting

At the next meeting of the Parent Council we will – among other things – be discussing  the Education Scotland inspection report. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, 20 November 2019, 7pm – 8.30pm, in the School Staff Room. 

Please come along and get involved. The reports can be found here.

Welcome Back!!

Summer has flown by, as ever. Keep your eye on this space for news about the upcoming Parent Council AGM, quiz evenings, and miscellaneous other news of all sorts.

Volunteers needed for school garden

The fantastic plants and flowers in the school garden are there largely thanks to the efforts of Helen Rolph and Susan Taylor. Nonetheless their focus will necessarily have shifted to the High School by the end of summer and the garden will need new volunteers to care for it. Susan’s oft repeated claim is that it is the best allotment in the West End and she is looking someone, or a small group, who would be interested in taking over the care of the garden.  If you can help out it will be much appreciated by all. Please text Susan on 07882 942945 or email at matboffice@yahoo.co.uk . Further, if you can help with watering the plants over the summer holidays do please get in touch.

Your Parent Council needs you!

Next meeting: Wednesday 29 May 2019, 7pm – 8.30pm, School Staff Room

Hyndland Primary School Parent Council is only as good as the support and involvement of those who contribute to it and the work of the wider Parent Forum.

Please come along and get involved!

Parent Noticeboard